“the Company” means Padel Up Limited (and all of its subsidiary companies trading as Sevenoaks Padel and/or 7oaks Padel) which provides the Club and its facilities for the benefit of the Members;
“the Club” means “Sevenoaks Padel ”; “Member” means a member of the Club;
“Rules” mean the terms and conditions of membership set out below.
It is a condition of membership that Members agree to pay the fees referred to in Rule (2.) and agree to be bound by these Rules.
These Rules may be changed, amended, revoked or added to from time to time by the Company, without prior notification to Members. Any such variations will be updated on the website.
The Company has created these Rules for the mutual enjoyment of the Members and their guests. The enforcement of these Rules is for the good of all Members.
No Member or guest will be judged on the basis of their race, gender, marital/civil partnership status, age, disability, religion or belief, colour, national origin or sexual orientation.
Members must be at least 16 years of age.
Monthly memberships run from the 1st of each month or part thereof and are payable in advance.
Annual memberships are payable annually in advance – the full amount to be paid prior to membership start date.
Payment of monthly membership can only be made by Direct Debit from a UK bank account. Monthly instalments and additional monthly charges are debited on the 1st (or within the next 2 working days) of each month.
Members should ensure that the Club is informed of their up to date contact details.
All communications shall be presumed to have been received within 5 days of the postmarked date, or ‘sent’ date if via email.
All membership fees are reviewed twice a year, usually on 1st January and 1st July, members will be notified of any changes by email or by post giving one full calendar months’ notice.
Membership is at the discretion of the Company.
Entry requires a photo ID to be on file and therefore a photo must be taken at the time of joining or before the first entry to the club.
Membership is non-transferable and non-refundable.
If any monthly fees or charges incurred are not paid when they fall due, the company reserves the right to temporarily refuse the member access to the club until such time as full payment has been made.
If any fees or charges incurred are not paid within 30 days after they are due, the club shall have the right to demand payment in full and access will be restricted until such time as the fees have been settled in full.
If such amounts are not paid within a further 14 days after such demand, membership shall be terminated and the Club may pursue any rights it may have to recover the unpaid amount.
The Club reserves the right to refer any missed payments to a debt collection agency and will charge a fee in respect of failed subscription payments and/or collection letters sent in respect of unpaid amounts.
Should membership be terminated for any reason, no refund of admin fees, monthly fees or other fees shall be issued.
To re-join the Club after a termination of membership, any unpaid subscriptions must be cleared, a new membership agreement completed and the prevailing admin fee may be charged.
The Club opening hours are subject to change without prior notice.
The Club’s premises or any part thereof may be closed, without notice, in order to; execute repairs, alterations, accommodate external events, re-decorations or otherwise, to facilitate Club programmes or on certain holidays.
The Company reserves the right to refuse entry to the Club’s premises at its absolute discretion.
Use of Club facilities is at the Member’s or guest’s own risk and under their own medical advice.
It is the Member’s or guest’s responsibility to ensure that they are capable of undergoing any activity within the Club.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the coaching and class programme, the management reserves the right to cancel or reschedule classes after publication and at short notice. The programme may be amended during public holidays.
Members should dress appropriately in sports or casual attire at all times
Members must at all times wear appropriate and clean footwear on the courts.
Appropriate attire must be worn in the restaurant and/or members area. Footwear must be worn at all times.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the Club.
Only food purchased from the club should be consumed within the club.
No alcoholic beverages or drugs of any kind may be brought into the Club. Violation of this rule will result in immediate expulsion from the Club and result in termination of membership.
No cigarettes, vapes or e-cigarettes are allowed within the club
Members or guests shall not use the Club’s facilities whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In the event they do so, this is entirely at their own risk and may be asked to leave the premises.
Mobile phones may be used for phone calls in all areas of the club excluding wet areas, if done discreetly and in a non-disruptive manner.
The use of professional photography or videography equipment is prohibited.
Photography and filming is prohibited in all changing rooms and wet areas.
In the interest of safety, no glass container may be taken into any court area or changing area.
Members should be considerate of others; loud or abusive language will not be tolerated.
Neither the Club nor the Company will accept liability for any damage or loss to a Member’s or guest’s personal property brought into the Club’s premises.
All activities and treatments are taken at the Member’s or guest’s own risk.
Neither the Club, the Company nor their staff and agents shall be liable for personal injury sustained by Members or their guests whilst on the Club’s premises.
Members or guests who suffer an accident or injury on the Club premises must report the accident or injury and the circumstances in which it occurred to the Duty Manager immediately following the accident or injury.
Members and guests must warrant and represent that they are in good physical condition and capable of engaging in exercise and playing padel.
The Member shall not use any Club facilities whilst suffering from any infectious or contagious illness, disease or other ailment or whilst suffering from a physical ailment where there is a risk that such use may be detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or physical condition of other Members.
We recommend that before using the club you familiarise yourself with the fire exits and emergency routes in case of evacuation. Please note that employees are NOT required to “seek & search” the building. Therefore it is the responsibility of each individual to follow the relevant instructions.
Your data privacy and security are important to us. Please refer to our Privacy Policy which explains how we collect, store and handle your personal data.
Monthly membership cancellations must be received by the 1st of each & every month, however cannot be submitted in the same month as joining.
A full calendar month’s payment is required which means a minimum of one month and a maximum of 2 months final payment will be necessary depending on the date the cancellation form is received. For example, if a cancellation form is received on the 1st May, only May will be due, however if received on 2nd May both May and June will be due.
Requests for cancellation must be made on a cancellation form available from our club receptions or can be emailed to you. You will receive an email confirmation within 2 working days – until you receive this email the cancellation will not be valid.
Membership cannot be amended whilst in the notice period. Verbal instructions to amend or cancel a membership cannot be accepted, all requests must be in writing using the Contact Us form on the website or by email to membership@7oakspadel.co.uk.
All member benefits that are in place at point of termination will be removed from the account and are non-redeemable. Monthly fees and/or prepaid fees are not refundable.
Ex-members wishing to re-join the club will be asked to pay a joining fee plus any unpaid balance from the previous membership.
The Company shall have the right to suspend or withdraw Club privileges or membership from any Member who, in their opinion, has abused privileges or conducted himself or herself in a manner deemed detrimental to the Club staff or its Members. Such expulsion or suspension shall become effective immediately and no reimbursement will be issued to such Member of the pro-rated portion of their unused monthly fees. There will be no refund of the joining fee.
The Manager or a designee shall have complete charge of the Club whilst on duty. Members may be suspended or expelled from the Club immediately if they display conduct which is, or is likely to be in the sole opinion of the Company, injurious to the character of the Club or the interests of the Members and staff, or if they commit a serious or repeated breach of these Rules, in particular where amounts owing to the Company are unpaid.
An expelled Member forfeits all the privileges of the membership and all rights against the Company. An expelled Member will not be entitled to any refund of their joining fee or subscription and must pay all amounts owed to the Company forthwith.
Closed circuit cameras operate throughout the Club (except in the changing areas) see our Privacy Notice for more information.
Any unlawful activity within the Club may be reviewed for possible legal action.
Members are encouraged to give feedback, they can either do this by emailing the membership team on membership@7oakspadel.co.uk who will ensure it makes its way to the right person in order to respond, or by speaking to the club team when in the club, who will do the same.
The Company may assign the benefit of the Membership Agreement to a third party at any time without notice to the Member. A person who is not party to the Membership Agreement has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to rely upon or enforce any term of the Membership Agreement.
The Company may communicate with the Members via electronic mail (“email”) and/or by WhatsApp or SMS as set out in our Privacy Notice.
Any credit added to a membership account can only be redeemed at Sevenoaks Padel. It cannot be exchanged wholly or in part for cash. The Club reserves the right to amend/withdraw the validity of credit without prior notification.
Credit is non-transferable.
Member credit is valid for 1 year.
Please mention credit at time of booking.