It is easy to get started. All you need to do is register on the app (search for sevenoaks padel) or click book. Then you will have access to all the classes and activities below.


For 1-1 coaching or private coaching email us to arrange a session.

If you are just starting out our intro to padel sessions teach you the basics of the game. The cost is £12 for the hour and it includes rackets and balls.

Group coaching sessions are available to all. Prices start at £12 an hour per person. We cater for everything from beginners and juniors to advanced.

Junior coaching is currently running on Thursdays from 4-5pm and 5-6pm. Rackets and balls included for £10 per hour.


We run regular socials. Everyone is welcome. The idea is to mix in, meet players and have some fun playing padel! The format will often change but the socials are at least 90 minutes with regular rotation.

A levelling session with one of our coaches will provide you with your level so that you can join matches with similarly gifted players.

Tournaments will be coming soon!

Talk To Us

We are a small family business with a big heart.  You can get hold of us via WhatsApp or email. 

Fill out the from on the contact page to register your interest and join the WhatsApp groups (more detail on the groups is available on the FAQ page) or send us an email to i n f o @ s e v e n o a k s p a d e l . c o . u k (don’t forget to remove the spaces).